Friday, June 12, 2009

Gardening Planets

June 12, 2009
Unfolding artifact of memory.

a soul walks in gardens,

stroking and hugging horses before goodbyes to earth.

surrendering, sinking into time,

fading, unsettled, struggling with departure.

sweet and sour bi-polar roller coaster

welcome back to one and goodbye to another.


when truths from "medicine",

from body and soul herbalists of


these People of the Horse

from before the Comet Strikes

and the great waters

whose young warriors

drafted to earthly empires

away from the purposes of Grandmothers

now hovering in time

between the dreams of grandmothers

and the seven generations

when our hopes and dreams

centred in the soul of woman

gathered some glimpse of three dimensional earthtime reality.

More food for thought than measured in sugar and flour..


half moon rising,

somewhere someone's sun is setting.

tomorrow's planned,

time written in the four stones

Time, Fire, Air and Life

the fifth stone,

fire of uncertainty,

"firestone" brings surprise.

flexibility is strength.

draw on the water of life.

Dream Stones
August Moment

summer’s heat retreats

to a relief of rain

some long hoped for rains

a well placed soul

withdraws to consider

within these aged walls

the reaching gardens overrun,

in a waterfall of windswept rain.

seeking some moments conviction

as unfolding garden dreams

are quenched with rain.

A dream perhaps of eagles lair

and mountain crag,

a Spirit standing in some tallest pine,

of storms that rumble there

on horizons brow.

And how this wind hints to wary eyes

when quiet shrug of spreading wings

to float but momentarily

and lifted up

above these rolling storming clouds

awaiting calms return

to garden’s dream.

While floating there,


some place of memories

of visions hue

and dancing with like Spirits there

in air above the rumbling storms below

while fluted dreams or softer dreams

before and after passages such as these.

In this time and wearied world

some land awaits the quenching rain

and awaited rain beneath the storm

seeks perhaps a fire’s blessing,

a higher blessing that only eagles see.

Some Spirits perennially,

return to a garden’s dream

and through the storm washed gardens walk

perhaps on those stones there,

a path where vines and waterfalls

hold fast to visions

and speak of Earthly garden

visits in gentler times

and seen again

while floating there above the storms.

May your canoe find quiet waters.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

After the Silence of Spring Labour

moved venue to a rural setting.
a decade in the struggle to do such a simple thing.
a home for the Whimsical Garden,
a place for shields and eagle feathers,
to sit in the edge of the woods
and talk to the grandmothers who were our window into this dimension.

home after 53 years.
left to live with a foster family in a large city.
Much has happened here in the decades that I wandered the earth.
tutored in many sweat lodges,
many "jobs", many lands

the Stonespeaker" and DreamsStonesMoving .
two Mongrel Puppies,
to garden, a place for seniors.
to be of use in our retirement
until the Mother Ship hauls us out of here.

suspended moments, a war
a political education.
Vietnam in 1965-66.
the original play
"We were Soldier's Once"

Carlos Castaneda
Yaqui Don Juan,
("A Yaqui Way of Knowledge")
two points.
The first "Seek a path with heart."
The second "find place"
where unchallenged, invincible, comfortable, strong.
temporal dislocation occurs in war,
or traumatic experience,
some searchers
some lost.
The searcher restlessly walking razor’s edge
until that spot, that path, that purpose.
a generation of searchers.
the answers we seek are for the planet, for tribe,
for a generation of earthlings at peril.
Commuter estates collapsing investment reality:
debenture financial structures unstable,
equity systems alternative venue for asset
while currency of the new empires sort it out.
"The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences…"
—Winston Churchill, November 1936
many dysfunctional and disenfranchised senior citizens
many elders of the European and Haudenaushaunee stripe
elitist and arrogant mongrel confusions.
rusty, scarred, tired and retired Knights of the realm,
in liege to pharoahs,
duty bound to a disparate tribe.
called upon to rise above distracting physical discomfort
and growing distaste for the insensitive pathologies
of political and corporate bullies.
We are duty bound to remain humble,
give honest opinion with conscience,
gently but firmly with empathy
for the defenseless hordes
who bear the brunt of the agony
inflicted by the irresponsible,
indiscriminate and senseless behaviour
of political and corporate realms
unpredictable tropical depressions
and socio-economic hurricanes
predictably paralleled with seasonal political depressions.
the mad scramble,
flocks of flighty investors
flitting about financial realms
dithering as to the safest place to land.
citizens, of disparate, dysfunctional but hopeful democracy
bear the privilege and the imperative of embarrassment
for having tolerated, supported and even elected this .

The "11thHour" indeed.
simple but hard truths of the moment, the self evident facts
"..the first generation in the history of civilization to bear the responsibility of saving Mankind from himself." Albert Camus, 1946(?)
A silver bullet: a self evident truth shines ,
slices through the Disney-esque fantasies of "economic growth"
Apocalyptic events,
evolutionary tsunamis unfold
politics dreams through mainstream media
carbon energy based "sustainable" consumer capitalism
"growth" in resource based economies
destroying the environment which enabled these brief dreams.
we face a challenge and large unknowns of evolutionary proportions.
A growing nervousness underlies the cautious questioning ,
the murmurs and polite protest,
politics and the corporate ethic continues as usual
has cause to be ashamed.
Perhaps this is an archetypal purgatory,
the payment for sins committed in another dimension.
led by the self indulgent and culturally introverted
arrogant bastard Sons of God and Daughters of Men
rapturously captured by the Sirens of physical gratification.
events unfolding a self induced apocalypse to rid the planet of an attitude.
Inner sanctum decisions
purple haze of glitter
fancy contrived beauty,
tempered handmaidens,
eunuchs and sychophants.
"rich man/poor man"
corporate and political chatter,
the planet is ours,
the mass of organic life,
including human beings,
is stuff to play with.
hypnotized and dysfunctional.
"virus" in the biodegradable computer genome.
The Omega seeds, the StarSeeds,
T'Salagi grandmother suggests: Hang on.
May your canoe find quiet waters.
Mongrel Puppy.
June 11-2009