Thursday, January 28, 2010

Suits and Ties

(cartoon on the wall)

"Nassim Nicholas Taleb has a rule of thumb:
Don't trust any predictions from people who wear ties.
He notes that bankers and financial economists almost universally wear ties to work."
(quote on computer screen)
March, 1995

The Grandfather Dreamwalker who visits in the night voices cautions about those who wear white shirts and ties.
" not trust those with scissors at their throat and a noose around their neck..."
The scissors, the points of the white collar point at the centre of their being and cuts off the flow from their heart. The noose around the neck shows they are controlled by forces they do not understand, can not see or are unwilling to acknowledge.

Suit and Tie:.
Camouflage for political listening posts in corporate jungle.
Uniform of The Empire:
- symbols of dominating force.
- bearing gifts with promises of prosperity and peace.
- empty promises and the sting of new weapons.
- yet to demonstrate integrity.
- eliminates old ways. imposes new ones.
gathers riches for short term reasons.

absorbing conquering force.
alters and drafts others into armies of social progress.
original tongues disappeared.
tribal "heathen" religions absorbed,
eliminates other points of view as heresy or witchcraft
favours state approved world views
and common language.

riding roughshod over the tribes
to build global village

bereft of heart.
founded on the drug addiction of power.
talk without those nooses around necks and scissors pointing at heart centres.
From 'The Stonespeaker Letters' : MARCH 95

"...industrial society..three phases: the age of scarcity industrialism, the age of salvage societies, and ...the ecotechnic age, when new societies ...will rise on the ruins of our own unsustainable time." : Posted by Leanan on September 11, 2008

"Pattern Analysis" of unfolding dream.
Growing, mutating, expanding common reality.
What’s up?
Bio-degradable computer genome in multidimensional head-games.
Population bombs
losing 1.5 million kids a year.
environmental crises.
Arrogant butts on the line.
The planet will revive.
Mucking up genetic potential.

Serious breeches of responsibility.
in lively debate.
Ship of state off course.
Bridge, engine room and deck crews keenly aware
awaiting decisions
on the verge of mutiny
no consensus. no game-plans.
The "Gods" have thrown us a curve.
Passengers not alerted to crisis.
Command staff flummoxed.
No Safety drills, no danger alerts, full steam ahead.
Universal testing ground for space cadets
toughened up for space travel.

in momentary withdrawal consider :
A personal addiction to the Philosopher Monks of Life
leads to a Cave in the City.
Where Considering this Rubik's Cube in the interstellar mass.
We sometimes relaxed in the luxuries of empires,
And sometimes walked to the sound of a Bell in the Streets.
After the moving
From Mountain top to Mountain top,
Soaring on the Winds of Change.
Close to the Ground,
Feet in the Blood of the Earth,
Breathing the Air of the Mother.
Some Seed of the Mind,
Stirs to the Light
of a returning Sun.
Caves, sacred to the bones of Ancestors,
In Caves where the Bear speaks to the Stones,
Where the Stone teaches the Songs,
And the Songs become lullabies,
soothing the Brow of
A Monk... in a Cave
...In the City.

From "Old Stones-Old Souls" copyright Ronald D. Bunston, 1994

catching breath
planning gardens:
reprogram mongrel puppies.
global brain internet attention deficit disorder
a simple dream of gardening
the empire collapsing
who will grow the food?
at odds with paradigm
profit risks the future
the simply defined garden seeks
slow money
unravelling personal questions
stay sane and rational,
in unfolding world,
redesigning wagon trains
numb and speechless
shock and awe
dereliction of duty
in lush farmland
memory of what was
measures the forensics of slaughter
a removed passionate perspective.
experientially challenged
professional class
in dissonance with planet
at odds with simple tasks
husbanding the species
with gifted genetic genius pool.
seeming gods

What discipline in these seeming gods
an arrogance,
no second thought
of conscious effort
in creative awareness,
a curious seeking
of superstition, a memory,
about Gods and Men
and earthly slaves
with fears of death.
a virus in seeming gods
perhaps extraterrestrial
perhaps intentional
or accidental threat
to liberated slaves
in physical and mental desert
who require
safe and healthy garden.
which even for gods seems a worthy objective
equal to solar horizons,
for universal explorers requiring home

(Mongrel Diaries: True confessions from the realms of the dysfunctional: 2001)
travel safely. stick to the high ground.