Monday, March 9, 2009

poem from the farm cabin and quiter times...

Dream Stones:
August Moment
Summer’s heat retreats
to a relief of rain
some long hoped for rains.
A well placed soul
withdraws to consider
within these aged walls
the reaching gardens overrun,
in a waterfall of windswept rain.
Seeking some moment's conviction
as unfolding garden dreams
are quenched with rain
a memory surfaces
of eagles lair
and mountain crag,
a Spirit standing in some tallest pine,
and of storms that rumble there on horizons brow.
And wind
that hints to wary eyes
a quiet shrug of spreading wings
lift to float but momentarilyand lifted up
above the roiling storming clouds
awaiting calms return
to garden’s dream.

While floating there considering,
some place of memoriesof visions hue
and dancing with like Spirits there
in air above the rumbling storms below
in fluted dreams, in softer dreams
before and after passages such as these.
In this time, a wearied world
some land awaits the quenching rain.
And awaiting rain beneath the storm
seeks also a fire’s blessing,
a higher blessing that only eagles see.
Some Spirits perennially return
to a garden’s dream
and through the storm washed gardens walk
perhaps on those stones there,
a path where vines and waterfalls
hold fast to visions
and speak of Earthly garden
visits in gentler times
and seen again
while floating there above the storms.
rdb - August 2000

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