Ruminations on the Bridge of Chaos
The Briefing Files
a Bridge of Chaos
the ruling paradigm in government-business-empire building
demonstrates a corporate-political feinted concern
led by the introverted, comfort-wealth-power addicted.
Our mutual concern
that we face climate, population, food and resource crises
of apocalyptic proportions.
While corporate globalization debates free trade on golf courses
our extemporary subdivisions are numbed to potential disaster,
isolated from realities.
We ignore, dismiss the caution-advice
of Galbraith, Fuller,
"Club of Rome" reports, "Limits to Growth", (Meadows)
"Mankind at the Turning Point" (Capra)
"The Coming Dark Age" ( Vacca)
"The Promise of the Coming Dark Age" (Stavrianos),
"Dark Age Ahead" (Jacobs) " Extinction" (Erhlich ) and "Collapse" (Diamond)
and the evolving passionate and cautionary information
from a global scientific community.
Urban addictions are the driving paradigm.
In the midst of weed killer debates and anti-smoking legislation
we barter the right to pollute.
We ignore gathering storms, creating an untenable status quo for our children.
We are an evolved industrial dysfunction in an electronic
globally defined systems age.
International development is spawning insurgency,
and an unresolvable chaos.
In the background 40 year threads in the Omega factor,
the 100 Monkeys consider
instinctively seek archetypal shutdown- reboot
a potential ‘dark age’, to ‘shock the monkey’
Ruminations on the Bridge of Chaos
The Briefing Files
The Un-Comfortable Church of Wholly Unconvinced
the Tribes of Abraham, the I-Brahmin
and the apocalyptic visions
an archetypal memory of ‘punishment’
a dysfunctional cultural PTSD
a bi-polar culture preparing for the inevitable
in violation of temporal directives
a collapsing ethic, a war with the planet
devouring the "primitive"
subduing the symbiotic
creating collapsing environment:
Circumstance poses the question:
is this virus within in our common human genome
a worm, a sleeper program in biodegradable computer brain
from genes, the intermarriage of "gods" and men
producing the unexpected, irreverent child
overcoming the adolescent proto-human?
The common evolved stream of arrogance within all of us
feeds the evolved Global influence
of the argumentative, the dysfunctional,
the self destructive.
A new mythology unfolds:
Hadrian's wall.

Ruminations on the Bridge of Chaos
Hadrian’s Wall
There IS Some Thing
Called Camelot
if only in Our Dreams.
These Things we Speak
as Camelot
are More than What
They Seem!
Merlins Dream
of Camelot
And Arthurs Seek
the Crown,
When Pagan Armies
Storm the Wall
What Empire's Falling Down?
What Knights defy
The Table Round?
What Knights have crossed
the Sea?
What Legions Guard
the Village Gate
If only you and me?
Ruminations on the Bridge of Chaos
The Briefing Files
guardian angels,
(multidimensional forces in the form of your choice)
guide our boat to quieter waters
in the new world.
we enter the passions of the "changetime"
we unfold new dream
we close war’sunfinished business.
a new empire evolves
out of WW IV.
the religio- politico construct
evolves or perishes
a thundering herd of changing minds
in the disparate threadsof the I-brahim
Church of the Wholly Unconvinced in the art, music, science
evolving out of the Einstinian age,
unfold the miracles
of a probing consciousness
in three dimensional matter
we become an evolutionary tsunami of unfolding dynamics
crises reshape the Tribes of Abraham
the Omega Seeds an allegory for a stream of consciousness,
a philosopher’s paradigm emerges
intervention in the addictions of the industrial age.
we labour for a dream
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