Scott Spread: Michichi near Drumheller, Alberta: 1922
Mongrel Diaries:
Ruminations on the Bridge of Chaos
The Briefing Files
background -overview
encoded patterns in language and actions
the synchronicity of events
symbols in moments
of war, terror, upheaval, challenge, tsunami.
the change time
Thunderbird in the Gateway.
fire, evolution’s spiral, helix,
Consciousness, Spirit, Soul, stretching,
stress to point of breaking
reorganization of mind in matter
purifying elements of fire and water,
the clarifying of mind and soul.
three dimensional beings in a vortex, a whirlwind
bending the curve of time.
spirits, time travellers, intelligence operatives,
in communication with invisible forces
In three dimensional language, the multi-dimensional reality
becomes translation of action.
the symbioses direct the moment.
converts talent-asset into path of action
anchoring the momentary reality.
In the "work force" the synchronistic event is a clue.
The trial by fire generation, yields to the salvage re-building generation.
download the genetic memory of "firewalk".
seek the Third Stage of the Warrior’s Power
enfold the children of the moment.
background -overview
encoded patterns in language and actions
the synchronicity of events
symbols in moments
of war, terror, upheaval, challenge, tsunami.
the change time
Thunderbird in the Gateway.
fire, evolution’s spiral, helix,
Consciousness, Spirit, Soul, stretching,
stress to point of breaking
reorganization of mind in matter
purifying elements of fire and water,
the clarifying of mind and soul.
three dimensional beings in a vortex, a whirlwind
bending the curve of time.
spirits, time travellers, intelligence operatives,
in communication with invisible forces
In three dimensional language, the multi-dimensional reality
becomes translation of action.
the symbioses direct the moment.
converts talent-asset into path of action
anchoring the momentary reality.
In the "work force" the synchronistic event is a clue.
The trial by fire generation, yields to the salvage re-building generation.
download the genetic memory of "firewalk".
seek the Third Stage of the Warrior’s Power
enfold the children of the moment.
A greenhouse, part of 100K SQFT abandoned complex in urban setting, awaiting demolition;
a potential urban "4 season" farm
Ruminations on the Bridge of Chaos
The Briefing Files
The Briefing Files
background -overview=perspective
Corporate ownership
imbues management philosophies in regional issues.
International objectives of corporate entities
will supercede the regional political authority.
The dominant political parties
reflect commercial structure.
"Successful" systems affect the political machinery.
Therefore corporate management philosophies reflect political views
Rigidly autocratic organizations
evolved in the industrial empire
and determine political and social frameworks.
the tool through which the community objective is realized,
not the objective in and of itself.
the "two paths" that concerned Tyandanagea
A self evident truth:
is pooled capital resource
is combined purchasing power
is a "company"
is common shares divided and ruled
can be therefore a corporate shareholders objective.
What is our critical path?
Is a community management by objectives?
What is our "corporate intelligence"
telling us about the corporate shareholder community
so what is the objective?
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