Scott Family archive: Photo: George C. Scott of Dromore, Ulster (Belfast)
Ruminations on the Bridge of Chaos
Briefing Files
background - overview: observation
just beginning to grasp Einstein
"..a culturally neutral, unbiased metaphysics could unify the world."
"Critical Path:" Buckminster Fuller:
"The Omega Factor" Dr. Ring
‘Abduction:" Dr. John Mack
"Paradigm Wars:" Dr. Mark Woodhouse,
"Global Mind Change:" Dr. Willis Harman,.
our growing understanding,
science, evolution, multi-dimensional physics
holographic metaphysics
leads current crises.
absolutist physics and philosophy,
fundamentalism self destructive.
wars within shifting paradigm
restructuring the urban dynamic.
industrial age paradigm dissolving
global villages growing
a culturally unbiased metaphysics
building symbiotic civilization
wilderness recovers
colonies on the Moon
the trip to Mars.
The EarthTrek will make the StarTrek possible.
Omega, may your canoe find quiet waters.
Ruminations on the Bridge of Chaos
The Briefing Files
some project a "perfect storm"
a wake up call: alarms buzzing for 40 years
while leadership is pushing the snooze button:
surrounded by ecclesiastic speculations
on the breakdown of components
the moment to moment is impossible to project
and political positioning guarantees a crisis
producing destructive, suicidal pathologies
denying ‘silver bullets’
alone rangers offer silver bullets
ideas form: third stage of power unfolds
words become weapons of mass destruction
to wealth, to illusion of currency
the hallucinogen, the house of cards
the sub-routines collapsing
‘silver lining’
silicone-electron neuron global brain
ideas-minds interlinked
unfolding potential
self sufficient cities determining construct
the Critical Path to
"The Magic of Findhorne,
the ecovillage network
can rebuild suburbs
with Todd’s ‘living water systems’
and Anna Edey’s dynamic greenhouse:
a self sufficient community can form in 6 months
city, desert, arctic.
The problem is conceptual, social, political not technical.
"Dark Age" burnout can stabilize, restructure before next leap
the seeds are inherent in the species
Ruminations on seeming gods
What discipline in seeming Gods
an arrogance,
no second thought
of conscious effort
in creative awareness,
a curious seeking
of superstition, a memory,
about Gods and Men
and earthly slaves
with fears of death.
a virus in seeming gods
perhaps extraterrestrial
perhaps intentional
or accidental threat
to liberated slaves
in physical and mental desert
who require
safe and healthy garden.
which even for gods seems a worthy objective
equal to solar horizons,
for universal explorers requiring home
Ruminations on the Bridge of Chaos
Briefing Files
summary:‘meta’ physics
"True Confessions" from
realms of the dysfunctional,
with the imbued mythology of multiple personality disorders
and subsequent genetic streams of human consciousness:
evidence would suggest that purpose
of human body, a biodegradable carbon based life form
a computer host
a three dimensional harbour
for multi-dimensional being:
to "download" information
on multidimensional objectives
the alien takeover..
is fear of a larger force than ourselves
determining goals we do not understand
and against which we struggle..
some dynamic suggests that "resistance is futile"
but alliance with a balance of these Forces is possible.
that would be "faith in things unseen".
hence the seeking within the metaphysics, the religions, of the species.
we can speculate on the possibility
that differences of opinions may prevail as to objective,
even within a multidimensional community outside our time domain.
Hence the mythological "wars among the gods".
Are we choosing sides?
Are we divided by intent?
The briefing files can be read in any order . The "files" are extracted from notes on the potential for the evolution of city states made primarily between 1982-1988. They represent the stream of consciousness spun in the web of our genetic and culturally specific programming from a single mongrel point of view. This may not be how it is, but it is how I have experienced it, understand it and can imperfectly represent it. Questions are welcome, but be patient I may be in the garden.
***Ruminations on the Bridge of Chaos
Briefing Files
background - overview: observation
just beginning to grasp Einstein
"..a culturally neutral, unbiased metaphysics could unify the world."
"Critical Path:" Buckminster Fuller:
"The Omega Factor" Dr. Ring
‘Abduction:" Dr. John Mack
"Paradigm Wars:" Dr. Mark Woodhouse,
"Global Mind Change:" Dr. Willis Harman,.
our growing understanding,
science, evolution, multi-dimensional physics
holographic metaphysics
leads current crises.
absolutist physics and philosophy,
fundamentalism self destructive.
wars within shifting paradigm
restructuring the urban dynamic.
industrial age paradigm dissolving
global villages growing
a culturally unbiased metaphysics
building symbiotic civilization
wilderness recovers
colonies on the Moon
the trip to Mars.
The EarthTrek will make the StarTrek possible.
Omega, may your canoe find quiet waters.
Ruminations on the Bridge of Chaos
The Briefing Files
some project a "perfect storm"
a wake up call: alarms buzzing for 40 years
while leadership is pushing the snooze button:
surrounded by ecclesiastic speculations
on the breakdown of components
the moment to moment is impossible to project
and political positioning guarantees a crisis
producing destructive, suicidal pathologies
denying ‘silver bullets’
alone rangers offer silver bullets
ideas form: third stage of power unfolds
words become weapons of mass destruction
to wealth, to illusion of currency
the hallucinogen, the house of cards
the sub-routines collapsing
‘silver lining’
silicone-electron neuron global brain
ideas-minds interlinked
unfolding potential
self sufficient cities determining construct
the Critical Path to
"The Magic of Findhorne,
the ecovillage network
can rebuild suburbs
with Todd’s ‘living water systems’
and Anna Edey’s dynamic greenhouse:
a self sufficient community can form in 6 months
city, desert, arctic.
The problem is conceptual, social, political not technical.
"Dark Age" burnout can stabilize, restructure before next leap
the seeds are inherent in the species
Ruminations on seeming gods
What discipline in seeming Gods
an arrogance,
no second thought
of conscious effort
in creative awareness,
a curious seeking
of superstition, a memory,
about Gods and Men
and earthly slaves
with fears of death.
a virus in seeming gods
perhaps extraterrestrial
perhaps intentional
or accidental threat
to liberated slaves
in physical and mental desert
who require
safe and healthy garden.
which even for gods seems a worthy objective
equal to solar horizons,
for universal explorers requiring home
Ruminations on the Bridge of Chaos
Briefing Files
summary:‘meta’ physics
"True Confessions" from
realms of the dysfunctional,
with the imbued mythology of multiple personality disorders
and subsequent genetic streams of human consciousness:
evidence would suggest that purpose
of human body, a biodegradable carbon based life form
a computer host
a three dimensional harbour
for multi-dimensional being:
to "download" information
on multidimensional objectives
the alien takeover..
is fear of a larger force than ourselves
determining goals we do not understand
and against which we struggle..
some dynamic suggests that "resistance is futile"
but alliance with a balance of these Forces is possible.
that would be "faith in things unseen".
hence the seeking within the metaphysics, the religions, of the species.
we can speculate on the possibility
that differences of opinions may prevail as to objective,
even within a multidimensional community outside our time domain.
Hence the mythological "wars among the gods".
Are we choosing sides?
Are we divided by intent?
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