Monday, March 9, 2009

Summary of purpose and format

Transitional Systems. Wartime economy.
Basic training, unfolding campaigns.
Community: a fundamental truth.

Population, environmental and resource issues, the immediate issue of security press the moment for sustainable community platforms. The accumulated post traumatic stress disorders of millennia has accelerated the course of history.
The Arthurian work unfolds of building a sustainable civilization as unstable and fragile societies reform.
The minimum requirement for any of us, for all individual physical or mental exploration is a stable community that doesn’t have the requirement of slave labour level upkeep to hold it together.
From communities, a home base, the individual explores the sciences and arts, the mysteries which surround our outpost in the larger yet to be defined infinite dimensions of space.
If communities are not sustainable then neither is the larger context of nation states and hence the global civilization.
Therefore regional micro-communities are necessary for long range objectives and globalization.
The evidence is clear. With existing technologies we can dome entire communities and redesign the suburban mall. We underwrite the stability of the urban base with self-sufficiency if we are so inclined. We need only make the decision to do so.
Global Population environment and resource factors pointing to inevitable realities are:
- Oil Supply crises and the evolving "post carbon economy"
- The Peak Money crisis in the equity and credit markets
- Global climate shifts: Wood’s Hole and IACC projections
- Food supply issues: unstable industrial era farming; evolution of regional market "foodshed" management.
- The inevitable reorganization and the seeding of "urban agriculture" programs within the suburbs building urban green-belt and eco-tourism requirements
- Hidden debates in the Pesticide-Herbicide chemical warfare of the last 50 years.
- The struggling evolution of urban waste resource recycling industries
- The privatization of energy supplies and community developed energy programs
- The retired skills reinvestment within communities
-Vertical zoning in urban centres.
-Globalization and Free Trade issues.
-And such diverse things as the symbolisms of Space Stations, the impact of the Internet and Terrorist-madness Issues: The lunatic fringe brought out in us


Notes, journals, and "Brf. Notes" or information files in summaries. Perspectives of changing and unfolding empires, gathered in the last 40 years and drawn in personal and group archetypes that I define as follows:
Walking the Fire: Warriors, male or female, building strengths and pathologies.
Bridge of Chaos: the political, corporate, social construct in its present evolution, the issues, the temper of the times within which these warriors walk
Revolutions Without Bloodshed: Ideas shaping mental constructs and the survival paradigm; evolution of the third stage of the Warrior’s power
Wilderness Garden Club: seeking and building new paradigm within perennial truths.
4Stones, Saga, Dream Stones: personal mytho-poetic moods, archaic memories seeking counsel

The purpose is brief as possible with "stream of consciousness" briefing notes meant to be scanned, referenced, considered in little bits at a time. Who has the time to be reading long dissertations in a multitasking world?
This is an experiment with "precis dialogue", cutting to the quick of the matter so that the multitasking, short attention span engendered civilization in which we all find ourselves might find a minute or two at random to consider the larger perspective.
This material is not in a linear pattern. Browsing is not only welcome but probably a good idea.
As the principle architect I admittedly have difficulty with linear objectives. I rest my argument on the fact that Mr. Einstein’s theories are now a century old and I must acknowledge the multi-dimensional nature of the information collected and processed.
It’s all point of view. The mind is construct. A universal paradigm constantly in flux.
An unsettled gut instinct may be the result of working with two dimensional Newtonian tools in a multi-dimensional Einsteinian universe of limitless mysteries.
This exploration seeks a simpler personal translation of a larger thing. And from time to time to return to fundamental pastoral moments to dream and to garden...

Rb..dysfunctional mongrel puppy of the empire
March, 2005

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